
What Do You Do if You Get Hit by an 18-Wheeler in Texas?

Some of the most catastrophic accidents on Texas highways involve 18-wheelers. These massive commercial trucks can crush smaller vehicles that share the road. If you were hit by a truck, there are a number of steps you could take to ensure your health and to begin pulling together vital evidence to hold the truck driver or trucking company liable for your injuries. Our experienced Arlington, TX truck accident attorneys are dedicated to providing injured victims professional and compassionate representation. Below, we discuss what to do after a truck accident and how The Queenan Law Firm can assist you in recovering compensation for your damages.

Steps to Take If You Are Hit by an 18-Wheeler Truck in Texas

Unfortunately, many people who are injured in an accident involving an 18-wheeler are in no condition to take any proactive steps other than wait for medical attention. Because of the massive size of a commercial truck, the injuries sustained are often devastating, debilitating, and potentially fatal. However, if your injuries allow you to move around safely, there are some steps you should take that will increase your chances of prevailing in a personal injury lawsuit.

First, make sure that you, your family, or anyone who was in your vehicle is safe. If necessary, immediately call for medical assistance. By contacting the local police, you should be able to ensure that medical help and law enforcement will arrive at the scene. If you or any of your passengers need to go for emergency treatment, do not hesitate.

Only if you are physically able, you should get the truck driver’s information, including his driver’s license information, insurance information, and registration. If a trucking company employs the driver, be sure to get its information as well.

Speak with any witnesses who saw the accident. See if they will give you their names, phone numbers, or email addresses. If they allow it and it is possible, record what they have to say. Memories fade and alter – some of the best testimony available is directly following an accident.

Take photos and video the scene if you can. You should take pictures of all the vehicles involved in the accident from as many angles as possible. Be sure to include the roadway, all debris, and the surrounding conditions. If you have a dashcam in your car, be sure to preserve the video of the accident.

Truck accident litigation is often lengthy, memories change, and evidence sometimes disappears. By providing our Dallas 18-wheeler accident attorney photographic evidence from the scene of the accident, you will help your case.

Should You Go to the Hospital After an 18-Wheeler Accident in Texas?

After nearly every truck accident, those involved will be taken to a hospital for treatment. Even if you feel fine, you should still go. It is not uncommon for the adrenaline rushing through your system after such an event to mask an injury. Furthermore, many injuries that will have an adverse consequence are not apparent immediately following an accident. Any delay in medical attention could give an insurance company a defense that your injury was not related to the accident.

Therefore, it is also vital that you tell your medical provider everything that you feel, even if you believe it is minor. If you are quickly discharged, you should still see your doctor the following day. In any personal injury case, it is essential to document your medical condition. If you suffered visible injuries, you should also take photos of them.

While the initial treatment is essential, what you do afterward will also significantly impact your case. It is crucial to follow any treatment instructions that your doctor or other medical professional gives you. This includes attending any follow-up appointments or physical therapy and taking any prescribed medication. Our Houston commercial trucking accident attorney will work with your doctors to document your injuries.

Once you receive your initial treatment and are resting at home, contact our Houston truck accident attorney. You will want to discuss your situation with a legal representative before speaking with any insurance company. Remember, the insurance companies are working for the truck driver and the trucking company. Their job is to limit or deny paying any compensation for your injuries.

You should continue any prescribed medical treatment. If you stop seeing your doctor or miss a medical appointment, you will be providing the defense evidence that your injuries are not as severe as they might be.

Claiming Damages for Missed Work After an 18-Wheeler Accident in Texas

Depending on the severity of your injury, you could miss a few days, weeks, or be unable to work again. If you are missing any time from your job, you should document it and keep a record of any letters from your doctor that say you are unable to perform your work duties.

In addition to work, you should also keep a record of all of those things you are unable to do because of your injury. You are entitled to recover for more than just medical expenses in a personal injury lawsuit. Our Grapevine, TX truck accident attorney will work to get you compensated for your pain and suffering, including any adverse impact your injury has on your ability to enjoy life.

Be Sure to Retain Our Texas 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney

The sooner you have our experienced Arlington, TX personal injury lawyer working on your case, the better. If you were injured in a crash involving an 18-wheeler, you should be focused on your health and let our office focus on your legal battle. Litigation arising from a truck accident is complicated, and any delay in beginning the process could be costly. Call The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797 to schedule a free consultation and review your legal options.