
Should I File an Insurance Claim if I’m Not At Fault After a Car Accident?

Insurance claims and car accidents usually go hand-in-hand. However, some drivers are hesitant to file insurance claims, even if they are not at fault for the accident. While insurance offers a helpful financial safety net, there are a few drawbacks that give claimants pause when filing. If you are unsure what to do after a collision, speak to an attorney about your situation.

In many cases, filing an insurance claim after an accident for which you are not at fault is a good idea. Doing so might help you quickly recover damages to pay for numerous expenses, repair your car, and get back to your normal life. However, you should speak to a lawyer if you are unsure about certain negative consequences of insurance. Many people resist filing a claim out of fear of confusing rules, increasing insurance rates, the option to sue, and whether filing a claim is worth it if you have minor damages. These concerns are certainly valid, but they might not be as bad as you think. Your attorney can help you determine the best path forward.

For a private, free case assessment to get started, call (817) 476-1797 and talk to our Dallas car accident lawyers at The Queenan Law Firm.

Why You Should File an Insurance Claim for a Car Accident That Was Not Your Fault

Filing an insurance claim is not always easy. Insurance laws always seem to be overly convoluted, and it can be easy to make small mistakes that diminish your claim. In many accident cases, drivers wonder if an insurance claim is even worth their time. Why not keep the insurance companies out of it and handle things privately with the other driver? This is not always a good idea. Your damages might be worse than you think, and insurance might be very necessary.

On top of that, you may be legally entitled to significant coverage. While you have the right to choose not to file, you may be leaving valuable compensation on the table. You have insurance for a reason, and it is probably not cheap. Why pay out-of-pocket when an insurance company is legally obligated to pay for you?

Insurance coverage often helps drivers move on from accidents faster. Our Abilene, TX car accident lawyers may be able to help you get your car repaired and medical bills paid quickly through insurance, allowing you to get back to your normal life much sooner than if you handled things on your own. Foregoing insurance might be a recipe for disaster. If the repair bills are high, or you uncover more damages when you have your car inspected by a mechanic, you might suddenly find yourself in over your head.

Reasons Why People Choose Not to File Insurance Claims for Car Accidents

Insurance is a great option for many, but not necessarily for all. You might have some reservations about filing a claim, even if the other driver is clearly at fault. If you have doubts, ask a lawyer for help. They can help you decide what legal options work best for your situation.

Misunderstandings About Insurance

Many people are unsure how insurance works. This is a common problem, and you should not feel bad if you are confused by the insurance claims process. Many believe that insurance companies make rules and policies purposefully confusing, so claimants feel overwhelmed and give up, thus saving the insurance company money.

Even if you are unsure about how to proceed, you must persist and move your claim forward. An attorney can help you. In many cases, insurance claims are a somewhat smoother process when lawyers represent claimants because the insurance company knows that they can get away with less.

Insurance Rates

Insurance can be expensive, and it is understandable to worry about your insurance rates after an accident. Your insurance rates might increase after an accident, even if you were not at fault. This largely depends on your insurance company and state laws regarding car accidents and auto insurance. As such, you should speak with an attorney about your situation before doing anything else.

If you are not at fault for a collision, your insurance rates might increase, but not as much as they would if you were at fault. Also, your insurance rates are more likely to return to normal rates sooner than if you were at fault for an accident. Ultimately, an increase in insurance rates is a realistic problem we might have to contend with, but it might not be as big of a problem as you might initially think.

They Would Rather Sue

Filing a lawsuit may be a viable option worth consideration. Depending on what state you live in, suing after a car accident might be off-limits unless specific conditions are present. For example, in states with no-fault insurance laws, drivers must carry no-fault insurance that covers them regardless of who is at fault. The catch is that drivers in many no-fault states may not sue the negligent driver unless they meet certain legal requirements regarding the cost of their damages (e.g., a financial threshold) or they have a “serious injury” as defined by their state’s laws.

In such cases, foregoing an insurance claim even when you are not at fault for an accident might be necessary in order to file a civil injury lawsuit against the other driver. Whether a lawsuit is a good option for your specific case should be discussed with your lawyer.

Seemingly Minor Damages

Some people wonder if their damages are even worth filing an insurance claim. Maybe you have minimal bodily injuries, and the damage to your car is fixable. Is your case even worth filing? Maybe you have other first-party coverage options like MedPay to help you with medical costs. It is not unusual for drivers to decide to work things out privately rather than filing insurance claims. However, you do not want to underestimate the value of your claim. Have your vehicle thoroughly inspected to determine the extent of the damage. See a doctor right away and get a full examination to make sure you have no unseen or internal injuries. Your damages might be more severe than you first thought, and an insurance claim can help you pay for everything.

Contact Our Car Accident Attorneys for Help Right Away

For a confidential, free claim review to get started, call (817) 476-1797 and speak to our Garland, TX car accident attorneys at The Queenan Law Firm.