
Irving Bus Accident Attorney

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    Irving Texas is served by the Dallas Area Rapid Transit system or simply DART. There are two transit centers in Irving. The North Irving Transit Center is located at the corner of O’Connor Road and Spur 348. The South Irving Transit Center is located on Rock Island and O’Connor Road. DART also provides commuter rail service. The Trinity Express services Irving from the South Irving Transit center into Downtown Dallas at Union Station. However, while this expansive system may be beneficial to many riders every day, when one of these buses are involved in an accident they almost invariably cause injuries and massive property damage.

    If you or one of your family members was hit by a DART bus while walking or riding their bike, or if you were injured while riding on a DART bus, your family could be entitled to compensation for the resulting income losses, medical bills, and pain and suffering caused by the crash.  Backed by more than 20 years of experience representing the victims of bus crashes in Dallas and the surrounding metro area, the knowledgeable DART bus injury lawyers of Queenan Law are here to help you exercise your rights as an accident victim and fight for maximum compensation.

    Causes of Bus Crashes

    Public transportation is indeed one of the safest ways to travel, however, according to data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, on average, from 2004 to 2014, intercity buses accounted for 13 percent, and school buses and transit buses accounted for 41 percent and 33 percent, respectively, of all buses involved in fatal crashes. There are a variety of reasons and factors that may cause a bus to get into an accident. Some of the other common causes of bus accidents include:

    • Speeding –  Buses significantly outweigh other vehicles on the road, and therefore anytime a driver is exceeding safe speeds they exponentially increase not only the chance that their vehicle will be involved in an accident but also the likelihood that the accident will result in significant damages.
    • Aggressive driving –  In some parts of the country bus drivers have gained a reputation for being some of the most aggressive drivers on the road. However, aggressive driving is dangerous to everyone who has to share the road with these vehicles, and aggressive drivers are involved in accidents more frequently than cautious drivers.
    • Alcohol and drug abuse – Alcohol and other intoxicating substances have been shown to decrease reaction and response time, decrease logical decision making, as well as negatively affect motor skills – all of which are essential faculties when you are behind the wheel. Drivers who choose to consume alcohol or drugs before getting behind the wheel of their vehicle not only are breaking the law, but they are also putting their passengers and other motorists at risk of injury.
    • Driver fatigue – You may not think that staying up late or working long hours would be equivalent to drinking and driving, but leading experts have found that the effects of long hours and sleepless nights can produce many of the same effects of driving while intoxicated.  Drivers who are overly fatigued have demonstrated poor coordination skills, poor judgment, and even poor depth perception all of which can be the reason behind an accident.

    Like all other accident types, there is typically more than one reason behind an accident, from driver negligence to mechanical failures. When you are involved in an accident, however, you often need to be prepared to fight against large companies and transit authorities who aim to reduce their own liability by shifting blame to you.

    How to Recover Damages for Your Injuries

    Bus accidents typically result in a great deal of property damage as well as personal injury. Some of the most common personal injuries that come from a bus accident include:

    • Broken bones,
    • Traumatic Brain Injuries,
    • Spinal cord injuries,
    • Contusions and bruising,
    • Burns,
    • Whiplash

    Because buses fall into a certain category of vehicle that requires that a bus carrier holds a large amount of insurance coverage, you may think that it will be relatively easy to recover compensation for your injuries. However, there is a major lynchpin in Texas, in the form of legislation known as the Texas Torts Claims Act. This bill passed in 1969 provides government entities with a certain amount of immunity from lawsuits. Again, you may be thinking how does this apply to you. Considering that DART is the largest bus service in the region, it is important to understand that the City of Dallas as a government has control over the bus systems and therefore accidents involving a DART bus are subject to damage caps proscribed in the Texas Torts Claims Act. Specifically, this act only permits an injured party to recover a finite amount of money from their accident, by instituting damage caps. The Texas Tort Claims Act only permits you to sue a municipal government entity, like DART for $250,000 per person, with a maximum of $500,000 per incident.

    Injured and in Need of an Irving, Texas Bus Accident Attorney?

    If you are facing injuries because of a bus accident, the attorneys at Queenan Law are prepared to fight for your right to compensation. The bus injury lawyers of Queenan Law are here to help you exercise your rights as an accident victim and fight for maximum compensation. Contact us today at (817) 476-1797 to set up a free case evaluation.