
Should I Go to the Emergency Room After a Car Accident in Texas?

If you’re unsure whether or not to visit the emergency room after a car accident in Texas, don’t hesitate. Getting immediate medical care is crucial, especially if you plan to sue a negligent party for compensatory damages.

Just visiting the emergency room after a car accident in Texas isn’t enough. Victims need to do so immediately following a collision. The longer you wait, the more you risk recovering sufficient compensatory damages in a lawsuit against a negligent party. Victims create medical documentation of their injuries by going to the emergency room right away and seeking continued medical care. These records can be invaluable to your attorney in a Texas car accident lawsuit.

We want to help you recover the damages you deserve, which is why we advise our clients to seek immediate medical attention after a car accident in Texas. For a free case evaluation with the Arlington car accident attorneys at The Queenan Law Firm, P.C., call us today at (817) 476-1797.

Should Texas Car Accident Victims Go to the Emergency Room?

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Texas, you should certainly go to the emergency room. In doing so, you create documentation of your injuries and get a medical assessment from a doctor. Going to the emergency room is one of the best ways Texas car accident victims can strengthen their future compensation claim against a negligent driver.

Any experienced Texas car accident attorney will advise victims to visit the emergency room after a collision. The first reason is to prioritize your health. If you’ve been injured, you deserve quality medical care. Texas law enforcement officials can handle an accident’s aftermath, so you can focus on getting the care you need. Don’t jeopardize your health by not going to the emergency room right after a car accident in Texas.

The second reason why going to the emergency room after a Texas car accident is so important is to create documentation of a victim’s injuries. Medical professionals can corroborate your injuries and prescribe the proper treatment. They can also note the likely cause of your injuries in their records. A doctor will include all of this information on your medical records, which your attorney can use to strengthen your future claim against a defendant.

Starting a trail of records, and getting medical care, is essential after a car accident in Texas. By going to the emergency room after a collision, victims can create documentation to support their claim for compensation against a negligent driver.

Should You Wait to Go to the Emergency Room After a Texas Car Accident?

Texas car accident victims should never wait to visit the emergency room after an accident. Regardless of an accident’s severity, always seek medical attention immediately afterward. Waiting can weaken your chances of recovering substantial damages in a Texas car accident lawsuit.

After any car accident in Texas, victims should immediately seek medical care. Visiting the emergency room straight away is crucial. If you wait, a defendant’s counsel might claim that your injuries were insignificant or not caused by their client’s actions. In going to the emergency room immediately after a car accident, Texas victims can show that a negligent driver’s actions caused their injuries.

Also, the longer victims wait, the harder it can be for medical professionals to attest to the cause of your injuries. For example, if you go to the emergency room immediately after a car accident, the cause of your newly sustained injuries will be obvious. However, if you wait, a doctor may be unable to corroborate your claims in their records.

When victims don’t go to the emergency room right after a car accident, their injuries can appear insignificant. For example, common injuries like whiplash can initially be confused with the regular aches and pains associated with an average car crash. Even if you don’t notice any glaring injuries right away, still visit the emergency room immediately after a Texas car accident.

If you don’t, a defendant may argue that you don’t require compensatory damages because your injuries weren’t severe enough to require you to seek immediate medical attention. Take our Dallas car accident attorneys’ advice, and always go to the emergency room immediately after a collision.

Should You Seek Continued Medical Care for Car Accident Injuries After Visiting the Emergency Room?

Texas car accident victims might forgo seeking continued medical care for their injuries out of fear of the cost. While that’s an understandable concern, you won’t have to worry about the cost of medical care if you file a successful lawsuit against a negligent party. In fact, seeking continued medical care is a great way to strengthen your claim against a defendant in a Texas car accident lawsuit.

Your health always comes first. Because of that, you must seek continued medical care for your injuries after a Texas car accident. Our attorneys believe that a victim’s number one priority after an accident should be recovering from injuries, while ours is to recover compensatory damages on your behalf. Not to mention, keeping up with doctor’s appointments can emphasize your need for compensatory damages. It’s important to show that you’re dedicated to getting the medical care you require for your injuries.

In addition to seeking continued medical care, victims should keep track of all medical records and pass them on to their Fort Worth car accident attorney. Our lawyers can use your medical records to show your need for damages in a lawsuit against a negligent party.

If a doctor prescribes certain treatments or therapies for your injuries, be sure to follow their advice. If you don’t, a defendant’s counsel may use that against you in a Texas car accident lawsuit. Your attorney can help keep track of important medical records and organize your information if you file a lawsuit against a negligent party.

Call Our Texas Lawyers After a Car Accident

Our lawyers want to help Texas car accident victims get the compensation they deserve for their injuries. For a free case evaluation with the Houston car accident attorneys at The Queenan Law Firm, P.C., call us today at (817) 476-1797.