
Dallas Attorney for Cephalopelvic Disproportion

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    When having a child, every parent hopes that their child will be born healthy and free of any injuries. However, if an expectant mother is experiencing a medical condition like cephalopelvic disproportion, a child could be injured if the doctor in charge of the pregnancy does not take the proper precautions. If you or your child was injured during birth, contact an experienced Dallas cephalopelvic disproportion lawyer today.

    The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. understands the difficulty of having to see your child suffer a cephalopelvic disproportion injury during birth in Dallas, Texas, and we are here for you in your time of need. To schedule a free legal consultation to discuss your claim, contact the Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797, or contact us online.

    4 Types of Cephalopelvic Disproportion Birth Injuries

    Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is a medical condition where there is a size difference between an expectant mother’s pelvis and their baby’s head. Specifically, CPD occurs when the mother’s pelvis is too small to allow the child’s head to pass through safely. Deliveries that are attempted despite a mother having CPD can result in a child being seriously injured.

    Doctors that do not take steps to address child delivery for a mother with CPD may be held liable for committing malpractice. The following is a list of cephalopelvic disproportion birth injuries.

    Pitocin Overdose

    Pitocin or synthetic oxytocin is a medication given to expectant mothers in order to induce labor or assist with a stalled labor. However, in some cases, a mother may not need to use Pitocin at all. Instead, a doctor may administer the drug to make a delivery move quickly.

    One of the possible side effects of Pitocin is a mother experiencing excessive and violent contractions. As a result, these violent contractions could cause an infant to suffer a serious injury while in the birth canal. Other birth complications that can be caused by an overdose of Pitocin include:

    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Serious pelvic or abdominal pain
    • Rapid changes in blood pressure
    • Cervix or vaginal tears
    • Uterine rupture or placental abruption
    • Slow fetal heartbeat
    • Fetal brain damage

    This is not an exhaustive list. Pitocin can also cause a child to develop serious medical issues like cerebral palsy.

    Prolonged Labor

    No doctor should permit a mother to remain in labor for too long. Prolonged labors are especially dangerous for infants because they could suffer a number of injuries. For example, if an infant is within the birth canal for an extended period of time, they can sustain an injury like hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). HIE is a brain injury that occurs when brain tissue is destroyed because oxygen traveling to the brain was cut off for too long. It is also possible for an infant to suffer cerebral palsy, intracranial hemorrhages, and even developmental delays due to injuries caused by a prolonged labor.

    Shoulder Dystocia

    Shoulder dystocia is a condition that typically occurs because the shoulders of an infant become stuck in the birth canal during birth. If a baby is too large to enter the womb and suffers shoulder dystocia, they could suffer fractures to their arm, collarbone, and brachial plexus nerves that help a person control functions in their arm and hands. Other medical issues that can be caused by shoulder dystocia include Erb’s palsy or Klumpke’s palsy.

    Umbilical Cord Compression

    The compression of an umbilical cord will cut off the oxygen and vital nutrients that a child needs to survive. If a mother has CPD, it is the responsibility of their doctor to suggest a cesarean section in order to ensure the safety of the child. If a mother is not apprised of the dangers of giving birth with CPD, there is an increased risk of the baby’s umbilical cord compressing during delivery.

    There are other birth injuries that may occur because a mother has CPD. As mentioned, doctors must ensure the safety of their patients and her child when they are diagnosed with CPD. Failure to inform a mother of all the potential injuries of CPD can result in a doctor committing medical malpractice.

    If you believe your doctor was responsible for your injury or the injury to your child, you should waste no time in speaking with an experienced attorney. Our firm can evaluate your case and determine the appropriate way to proceed with your claim. Remember that your case is subject to the statute of limitations, and every moment you wait could impact your case.

    Work with an Experienced Dallas Medical Malpractice Attorney You Can Trust

    If your child was injured while you were giving birth, consult with an experienced Dallas medical malpractice attorney today. The legal team at the Queenan Law Firm, P.C., possess decades of combined legal experience, and we are prepared to use this knowledge to fight for you. To schedule a free case evaluation to discuss your legal situation, contact the Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797.