
Dallas Rollover Car Accident Lawyer

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    During a car crash, a car can roll over or be flipped with surprisingly little force.  Depending on how the accident occurred and how sloped the road surface was, car accident victims could find themselves upside down or rolled over during a crash, potentially increasing the risk of injuries.

    If you or a loved one was involved in a rollover accident in the Dallas area, contact our attorneys for help with your potential injury case.  The Queenan Law Firm’s Dallas, TX rollover car accident lawyers can help you understand whether a lawsuit might be necessary to help get you compensation for your injuries, and we can help you determine the best route to proceed with your claim.  For a free case consultation, call our lawyers today at (817) 476-1797.

    Common Causes of Dallas Rollover Car Accidents

    Cars can roll and flip from surprisingly little force.  Especially if the car is already moving quickly around a turn or positioned on a hill, the force of a crash could send the car rolling.  Our attorneys discuss some factors that contribute to rollovers in car crashes that might help determine who is at fault and why they should be held accountable for these crashes.

    Sometimes, certain vehicles have a higher chance of rolling over than others.  Typically, if the center of mass of a vehicle is positioned high above the wheelbase, a car has a higher chance of tipping over, especially during a side-impact crash.  Fifteen-passenger vans and other vehicles carrying a lot of passengers or cargo could have a higher center of mass and be more prone to rollovers, too.  Even many SUVs are tall, putting the center of mass higher than those of sedans and coupes, resulting in a higher rollover rate.

    The way the accident happens can also increase the risk of rollover.  Some vehicles press the chance of a rollover when taking turns at high speeds, even without another car hitting them.  An accident during a turn could be the final straw that tips the vehicle over.  If you swerve to avoid a potential crash, that quick maneuver could also increase the risk of rollover, though that might not be your fault because it is such a natural, reasonable reaction.

    Side-impact crashes are more likely to cause rollovers than front-end or rear-end crashes.  It is harder to flip a car end-over-end than for it to roll over, though cars can potentially flip end-over-end if the front is pushed under the other vehicle during a front-end crash.

    Injury Risks from Rollover Accidents in Dallas

    When a car flips upside down, that alone should not increase the risk of injury significantly.  Cars are designed so that they can support the full weight of the vehicle on the roof, but with convertibles, open-top Jeeps, and some other vehicles, the risk of injury to passengers is severely increased during a rollover because occupants are exposed.

    Victims who are not wearing seat belts at the time of the rollover could be thrown around inside the vehicle, and they can suffer serious injuries.  This is one of the many reasons it is important to always wear a seatbelt, especially since you could be accused of contributing to your own injuries if you did not take proper safety precautions.

    Once a car is rolled onto its roof, it is important to get out of the vehicle as soon as you can to avoid further potential dangers.  You will be unable to drive the car, so if your vehicle is still in the middle of the road, you should exit the vehicle carefully and get to the side of the road as soon as you can.

    If your car rolled off the road into a dangerous area, it is important to get to a well-lit place where there is no traffic nor environmental hazards that could put you in further danger.  Once there, call 9-1-1 for an ambulance and to report the crash to the police.

    Proving Fault in a Rollover Car Accident in Dallas

    In any car accident case, the driver who caused the crash can be held accountable for the injuries and results of the accident.  In most accident cases, no one expects to roll their car, but it is always a foreseeable possibility.  Even though it might be unlikely, the fact that there is a possibility is what allows at-fault drivers to be held accountable for rollovers and rare injuries.

    To prove that another driver was responsible for your rollover accident, you must show that they did something “negligent.”  Negligence is defined as a breach of some legal duty, which can include traffic violations or a violation of the general duty to drive as a reasonably prudent driver would in the same situation.  This means that if a driver failed to slow down in inclement weather or failed to take the road’s slope into account and caused an accident because of that, they could be held accountable.  Further, they could be held liable for causing an accident if they were speeding, ran a red light or stop sign, were driving under the influence, or violated some other traffic law that led to the accident.

    Talk to a Dallas car accident lawyer about how to prove fault and hold the other driver accountable in an insurance claim or a lawsuit.

    Call Our Dallas Rollover Accident Attorneys for a Free Consultation

    The Queenan Law Firm’s Dallas, TX rollover car accident attorneys represent drivers and passengers injured in rollover accidents and other car crashes in the Dallas area.  For a free legal consultation on your case, call our law offices today at (817) 476-1797 to learn more about how our Dallas and Texas personal injury lawyer can help you recover financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering after a serious crash.  Call us today.