
Can You File a Lawsuit if Your Child Drowns in a Pool in Texas?

Many Texans prefer above ground pools to in-ground pools.  Unlike in-ground pools, these pools could be removed if you sell your house, they could be temporary pools rather than permanent installations, and they are often cheaper than in-ground swimming pools.  However, many of these pools may not be very safe for your family or friends.

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident involving a defective above-ground swimming pool, talk to an attorney today.  The Dallas swimming pool and defective product injury lawyers at The Queenan Law Firm, P.C., represent the victims of accidents involving physical injuries and drowning in legal action against the manufacturers of defective above-ground swimming pools.  For a free consultation on your injury or drowning case, contact our lawyers today at (817) 476-1797.

Above-Ground Swimming Pool Defects

Above-ground swimming pools come in three general types.  The first is the least dangerous, and consists of small pools that parents often use for their toddlers or small children.  Many of these are designed so that the water holds the walls up, or others use inflatable sides to contain relatively small amounts of water.  These pools are not commonly dangerous, but do still offer a drowning risk to small children, and may injure people who attempt to jump or dive into the shallow water.

The second type of above-ground pool is the large, temporary pool.  These pools are often large, blue vessels that contain a large amount of water.  The strong plastic and rubber materials used to create the walls are intended to hold the water in, while a large, padded or inflated ring forms the top edge of the pool.  These pools are often not nearly as stable as they may appear, and can easily rupture or overflow the top of the wall, causing injuries and spillage.

The third type of above-ground pool may be the most common.  These pools are often permanent installations on your property, consisting of heavy wooden and plastic walls.  These pools often have a relatively stable edge, and can last for years with proper use and maintenance.  However, these pools are still subject to improper maintenance or construction that can lead to serious injuries.

Types of Swimming Pool Injuries in Texas

One risk that is always prevalent in any swimming pool is the risk of drowning.  Unsupervised children, people with handicaps, and the elderly are especially at-risk for drowning.  In many above-ground pools, because of the height of the pool, there is no good way to monitor swimmers.  Quickly climbing into the pool to aid drowning swimmers is also difficult.  Some pool owners are fortunate enough to have decking or a raised platform alongside their pool, which gives them easily leverage to reach in and help struggling swimmers.  In other pools though, it may be very difficult to aid swimmers, which is a clear problem with the design of the pool.

Especially for the large, rubberized or plastic pools, there is a risk of rupturing or puncturing the walls of the pool.  Even with rigid above-ground pools, improper installation or maintenance could cause the walls to collapse or fall apart due to the weight and motion of the water inside the pool.  In movies and on TV, this may look like a fun ride, but above-ground pools can contain approximately 7,000 to over 25,000 gallons of water.  With each gallon of water weighing approximately 8.34 pounds, this can mean over 58,380 to 208,500 pounds of water rushing out of the pool – the equivalent of over 2.5 tractor-trailers in weight.

Being trapped in the outflow of water can mean serious injuries.  First, this water can pull swimmers under, and keep them there, causing a serious risk of drowning.  It can also push people against other objects or into the ground, possibly pushing them along the surface.  If the water bursts and pushes swimmers onto concrete or into sharp objects, they can sustain serious injuries, such as:

  • Abrasions,
  • Cuts,
  • Lacerations,
  • Concussions,
  • Traumatic brain injuries,
  • Spine and back injuries,
  • Broken bones, and more.

If you or a loved one was injured or killed in an accident involving a defective above-ground pool, talk to an attorney right away.

Pool Wall Failures

Wall failure is one of the leading causes of injuries, and can affect both the swimmers and others standing near the pool.  These kinds of failures are often the pool manufacturer’s responsibility.  If the pool was constructed from materials that were not safe enough to contain the water, or the pool was improperly assembled and installed, the company that manufactured or installed the pool may be responsible for the damages associated with death or injury in the above-ground pool accident.

Texas Above-Ground Pool Defect Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one was injured or a loved one was killed in an accident involving an above-ground pool, talk to an attorney right away.  The Dallas personal injury lawyers at The Queenan Law firm represent injured accident victims and their survivors in legal action against pool manufacturers.  For a free consultation on your injury case, and for help understanding what damages you may be entitled to, call our lawyers today.  Our number is (817) 476-1797.