
Burleson, TX Truck Accident Lawyer

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    If you have ever driven alongside a truck or semi, you know how big and scary they can be. While any vehicle accident can be dangerous, accidents with trucks might be catastrophic. Often, these collisions involve multiple vehicles and drivers, and many people end up hurt. If you are one of these injured drivers, contact a lawyer about what you can do to get fair compensation for your painful injuries.

    Truck accidents are more common on major highways as they are often part of trucking routes. Speeding drivers, distracted truckers, and improperly loaded cargo are just a few examples of how bad truck accidents can occur. No matter how your accident happened, your damages might be severe, and compensation might need to be quite substantial to make up for everything you have lost. Generally, truckers are held liable for accidents, but their employers might also be liable under certain circumstances. Our attorneys can make sure all necessary defendants are included in your claim.

    Receive a free initial case review to begin your case when you call The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797 and speak to our Fort Worth, TX truck accident lawyers.

    Determining What Caused Your Truck Accident in Burleson, TX

    Before determining who should be responsible for the truck accident, we must understand the where and how of everything. Your accident likely occurred on a major highway in the area of Burleson, as truck routes typically follow main highways and freeways. While any number of factors might be present in your case, you should discuss some rather common causes with our truck accident lawyers, like speeding, distractions, and cargo.

    Trucks are too large for most city and residential streets and tend to stick to major highways. In many areas, usually residential neighborhoods, trucks are not even allowed to be on the street. Major highways like I-35W and Texas State Highway 174 run right through Burleson, and trucks are a common sight. Not only do drivers often see trucks along these highways, but there are numerous other roads and truck routes in the Dallas-Fort Worth area where an accident could happen.

    Many truck accidents are the result of speeding truck drivers. Remember, trucks are extremely big and heavy. They cannot stop suddenly. If a trucker is speeding and suddenly needs to hit the brakes – like if the vehicle in front of them suddenly stops – the trucker might be unable to avoid a collision.

    Distractions are another very common cause of truck accidents. Truck drivers often have to communicate with dispatchers or other people from their trucking company about their trip and the route. This can make for serious distractions, and the trucker might inadvertently cause an accident. Other truckers might be distracted by their phone, GPS, or even by passengers in the truck with them.

    We should also consider how the truck’s cargo was loaded before the accident. Improperly loaded cargo can cause a truck’s trailer to become unbalanced. If this happens, the trailer might topple over when the truck driver turns or drives a bit too fast.

    Damages Available in Burleson, TX Truck Accident Cases

    Considering how bad truck accidents can be and how badly injured victims often are, it should be no surprise that damages in truck accident cases are often large. Not only can you claim damages related to monetary costs you incurred, but you can also claim damages for painful experiences, even if they did not actually cost money.

    Economic damages may be quite vast. Accident victims often claim monumental economic damages related to medical bills. Serious injuries are fairly typical in truck accident cases, and your medical treatment might be extensive. Many need medical care for months or even years after an accident. Keep a thorough record of all your medical-related expenses so no damages are left unaccounted for.

    Other economic losses may include the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle. You should also consider the loss of any personal belongings. Your injuries might prevent you from going back to work for a while, possibly forever. Discuss how much income you have lost because of the accident and might continue to lose if you still cannot work. Your lost wages may be factored into your damages calculations.

    Non-economic damages account for more subjective injuries. These kinds of damages are sometimes referred to as “pain and suffering,” but they encompass much more than that. You can claim damages for the pain of your injuries, emotional trauma from surviving the accident, diminished quality of life if you now live with permanent disfigurements or disabilities, and many other painful experiences.

    Who May Be Liable for a Truck Accident in Burleson, TX

    Numerous people or entities might bear some of the blame for a truck accident. While people often place blame solely on the shoulders of the truck driver, their employer and possibly others might also be implicated. Talk to our legal team about your accident to determine who should be included in your case. Including all defendants may help maximize your compensation.

    Truck Drivers

    Truckers are usually directly responsible for truck accidents, often through acts of ordinary negligence. For example, truck drivers who speed, lose focus, or even doze off after days on the road may easily cause severe accidents. Even though truck drivers might not intend these things to happen, they can and should still be held liable. Determining whether a trucker was negligent might not be immediately clear, but an investigation by the authorities may help us uncover the truth.

    Trucking Companies

    If we sue a truck driver for negligently causing an accident, we should also sue their employer. Under the legal doctrine of respondeat superior, an employer may be held vicariously liable for damages and injuries caused by a negligent employee as long as that employee acted within their typical job duties when they caused those injuries and damages. Truck companies, especially large ones, often want to avoid legal disputes and might be willing to negotiate a favorable settlement. Alternatively, our attorneys will help you assert your claims against the trucking company in court.

    Speak to Our Burleson, TX Truck Accident Attorneys About Your Case

    Receive a free initial case review to begin your case when you call The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797 and speak to our truck accident lawyers.