
Arlington, TX Attorney for Allergic Reaction to Medication

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    Doctors have many factors to consider when choosing a prescription medication to give a patient.  First, they need to select a drug that performs the function the patient needs, they need to adjust the dosage for the patient’s size and weight, and they need to choose a medication with side effects that are manageable and do not outweigh the benefits of the drug.  When a patient is allergic to a drug, it is typically too dangerous to administer the drug, and any benefits are usually outweighed by the risk of anaphylaxis, shock, seizures, or death that an allergic reaction to medication can cause.

    If you or a loved one was prescribed medication by a doctor who should have known that you were allergic to the medication, contact our law offices today.  The Queenan Law Firm’s Arlington, Texas allergic reaction to medication attorneys represent victims of negligent healthcare and fight to get them compensation for their injuries and pain and suffering.  For your free case consultation, call us today at (817) 476-1797.

    Common Examples of Dangerous Allergic Reactions to Medication

    Prescription medications are still drugs and can have strong effects on the body.  Doctors and pharmaceutical companies typically chose drugs that have a therapeutic use and will help with your condition, but drugs have side effects that could make them too dangerous for certain patients.  Other patients may be completely unable to take a drug because of the risk of a severe allergic reaction.  Allergic reactions to medication can vary from person to person or even instance to instance, with some reactions being incredibly dangerous and even deadly.

    Sometimes an allergic reaction involves discomfort and enhanced side effects.  For example, someone with a mild allergy may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, or headaches from an allergic reaction.  Some allergic reactions also include physically apparent symptoms, like rashes, hives, or swelling.  Many of these reactions are not life-threatening, but you should speak with a doctor to see if you should stop taking the drug, change the dosage, or take a different drug.

    In more severe cases of allergic reactions, you could face much more dangerous symptoms.  Anaphylaxis often comes with severe allergic reactions.  Your airway and lungs might constrict and cause light-headedness or this could even make you pass out and begin to suffocate.  This could require CPR, an emergency tracheotomy, treatment with an EpiPen, or hospitalization.

    In some cases, you may even suffer from seizures or shock as a result of an allergic reaction.  This kind of reaction can cause substantial damage to your heart, lungs, nervous system, brain, liver, and other body systems, potentially resulting in death.

    How Allergic Reactions to Prescription Drugs Occur

    Typically, your doctor should screen you for medication allergies before prescribing or administering any drugs.  However, if your doctor is properly diligent and looks out for your best interests, allergic reactions may still occur.  If you need emergency treatment, you could also be treated with drugs you are allergic to because no one knew to check for allergies.  However, if your doctor has access to your chart or medical records and finds any evidence that you could be potentially sensitive or have a family history of drug allergies, your doctor may need to order an allergy test or other tests before prescribing a drug.

    In some cases, you could even have an allergic reaction to a drug you have taken before without issue.  Sometimes the slight exposure in the past might not trigger a reaction, but it could make you more vulnerable to an allergic reaction in the future.  This fact is often overlooked, and some doctors may prescribe drugs without looking into potential reactions.

    In many cases, it may be in the patient’s best interests to start taking the drug slowly and in a safe environment to check for allergic reactions.  Sometimes, testing the patient’s reactions is the only way to see if the patient will have an allergic reaction, but the doctor should do this safely and in small doses to prevent greater harm.

    Suing for Anaphylaxis or Allergic Reactions to Prescription Medication in Texas

    If your doctor gave you a drug that they should have known you were allergic to, you may be able to sue them for the injuries you sustained.  Doctors are trained to handle cases in certain ways, and any negligent healthcare that falls below these standards could justify a lawsuit against the negligent healthcare provider.

    When suing a doctor for a severe allergic reaction that should have been avoided, your attorney will have to prove your case to a judge and jury.  Many medical malpractice and prescription error cases hinge on whether or not the doctor’s care was unreasonable.  You can typically use a medical expert to help explain the medical standards to the jury and convince them that the care you received was improper.

    The damages you can claim in an injury lawsuit involving drug allergies depend on the specific harms you faced in your case.  Typically, you can claim damages for any healthcare you needed to treat the injuries and reactions as well as any other financial harms you suffered from the injury, such as lost wages or time off work.  You can also sue for the intangible harms you went through, like the pain and suffering of the reaction.

    Call Our Arlington, Texas Prescription Drug Reaction Lawyers for a Free Consultation

    If you or a loved one suffered an allergic reaction to medication prescribed by a negligent doctor, you may be able to sue them for damages to cover the medical costs and other damages related to your injuries and suffering.  For a free legal consultation on your case, call our Arlington allergic reaction to medication attorneys today at The Queenan Law Firm.  Our number is (817) 476-1797.