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    We want to help. If you have a serious legal matter, you need serious representation.

    Call or Text:

    (817) 476-1797

    Queenan Law is dedicated to providing top-notch professional legal assistance for Personal Injury, Family Law, and Business Law matters. Our offices in Arlington and Houston are staffed by friendly and courteous professionals that care.

    Dallas / Arlington - Principal Office
    731 Station Drive
    Arlington, Texas 76015
    Phone: (817) 635-3333
    Fax: (817) 635-4444
    731 Station Drive
    Arlington, Texas 76015
    Phone: (817) 635-3333
    Fax: (817) 635-4444
    Houston Office -
    909 Fannin Street, Suite 3030
    Houston, Texas 77010
    Phone: (713) 224-1035
    Fax: (713) 655-8245
    909 Fannin Street, Suite 3030
    Houston, Texas 77010
    Phone: (713) 224-1035
    Fax: (713) 655-8245